How to Grow Pathos in Aquariums?

Yes, you can actually grow certain houseplants with their roots in your aquarium’s water. One of the best plants you can use for this is Pothos aka Devils Ivy, Pothos plants not only provide excellent chemical filtration and is a super sponge that absorbs Ammonia and Nitrates. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is an extremely popular houseplant, it is an extremely hardy houseplant that is extremely hard to kill and will survive even in very low light, nearly dark conditions. As a side note, it is toxic to cats and dogs if eaten, but it does not affect or kill fish and I have been growing it in my aquariums for many years.

Pothos is an excellent Nitrate and Ammonia removal plant.

So how exactly do you propagate Pothos in your aquarium?

You can easily find pothos at your local plant nursery, these plants are extremely cheap and go for anywhere between R50 to R100 per pot. You also get a wide variety of different leaf colors, which will make a colorful addition to your aquarium. If you are unable to track down and buy a plant, you can easily propagate it with just a small cutting. While this will work it will take a bit longer to start growing, for faster growth, you should use a plant that already has some roots.

Is Pothos toxic for aquariums and fish?

Although pothos plants are toxic as I previously mentioned you can grow them safely in your aquarium, it is toxic however to your cats and dogs, so they should definitely not try to eat the plants.

You get a massive variety of Pothos species you can pick and choose from.

Can you grow Pothos submerged (Underwater)?

Yes, Pothos will grow underwater as well, but the growth rate would be extremely slow, and the plant would become significantly stunted due to a lack of Co2 and oxygen, which is available in the air. Not to mention its leaves won’t develop as well and will stay small and stunted in size. Not to mention that growing it submerged will take away all the benefits of actually having the plant in your aquarium.

Preparing your Pothos plant/clippings for use in your aquarium.

If you could not find a potted Pothos plant, but you have a few cutting, here is how you prepare them for use. Take a few cuttings of a pothos plant and place the cuttings into chlorinated water in a small container, put the container in indirect sunlight and let the cuttings develop roots. Once the roots are about 5-10 cm in length, you can transfer the plants into your aquarium. And what if you are taking out a plant from the pot, remember to wash off all the dirt and fertilizer on the roots so that it won’t affect your water parameters. If you have plant-eating fish in your aquarium, and you worry that they might eat the roots, you can either place it in your HOB (Hang On Back) filter or your sump filter. And always make sure that only the roots are submerged in the water. Eventually, the pothos will start to grow long vines, which you can guide to climb up a wall. Or alternatively, you can cut those vines off and replant them again.

What are the benefits of growing Pothos in your aquarium?

Not only is Pothos a Nitrate and Ammonia sponge but once established it will suck up the Nitrates and Ammonia causing better quality water, and fewer algae problems to worry about as the plant will use up all the available nutrients. And the roots of the Pothos will create a beautiful jungle for your fish to hide in and create an excellent environment to raise fish fry.

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