Plants to avoid buying for your aquarium

Unfortunately, there has been a recent trend at local pet shops of shops selling common pot plants or bog plants as aquarium plants to unsuspecting fish keepers, and if you are not a seasoned fish keeper there is no way of knowing what you just bought. Meaning new people in the hobby fall prey to this predatory practice, they buy these plants not knowing what they just bought, then in a month or two these plants die not because of not being taken care of properly but because these unsuspecting fish keepers were sold plants that are not truly aquatic. And in some cases, this stops new fish keepers from ever keeping live plants ever again.

Who is to blame for this?

I place the blame squarely on the shops. These shops know exactly what they are selling fish keepers, and they can easily avoid getting into trouble because the plant won’t die immediately but a month or two later and the inexperienced fish keeper will in most cases blame themselves for killing the plants. This article will help both new and experienced fish keepers avoid the pitfalls of buying the incorrect plants for your aquarium, and in the process save you a lot of money and potentially kill your fish when the plants start rotting. Which in turn will cause your Ammonia/Nitrates to spike, causing all sorts of trouble in your aquarium.

What tools can I use to avoid buying the wrong plants?

If you are an owner of an Android phone there is this very handy app called “Google Lens” before going to the shop install this on your smartphone. Google Lens is an image recognition technology developed by Google. It can understand what you’re looking at and use that information to copy or translate text, identify plants and animals, explore locales or menus, discover products, find visually similar images, and take other useful actions. It is not always accurate but can be extremely helpful in a pinch, watch the below video to get a better idea of what Google Lens is and how it works.

If you for some reason you don’t have the app installed on your phone, another quick way is to check the names listed for the plants that are being sold. A quick google will quickly bring up if it is aquatic or not, and if the shop cannot give you the names, then it is a clear indication that you should avoid buying these plants. They also sometimes get sold in bundles as “various” plants or “mixed” this is a good indication that these aren’t aquatic. Baring that I have shared a PDF file, which you can find here which you can save on your phone and use as a visual reference for buying aquarium plants. If they match visually, then you know you should avoid buying these plants.

What can happen if you buy a none aquatic or blog plant for your aquarium?

The least bad thing that can happen is you spent your hard money on something that will eventually just rot and die. Worst case scenario the plants you bought start rotting and in turn spike your Ammonia and Nitrite levels which can possibly cause the death of your fish or cause them a massive amount of stress. Not to mention the effort and cleanup you will need to do to remove them from your aquarium.

Here is a list of the most common house/bog plants being sold as aquatic plants:

Here is a list of the most common house/bog plants that are being sold in the aquarium hobby today. Note there is a load of other plants that are being sold as aquarium plants, the list is endless. This is just a list of the most common ones I have seen being sold in local shops and online stores. So keep an eye out for them.

It is not all shops that are to blame…

Not all shops are involved in this predatory practice of selling common house plants to unsuspecting fish keepers. So it is always better to support the shops that don’t use this practice. Hopefully, this article will help both newbies and seasoned veterans in the fish-keeping industry avoid the pitfalls of buying the wrong plants.

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