Albino Tiger Barb (Puntius tetrazona) – 4cm

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Albino Tiger Barbs are delightful little fish to have in your aquarium. It’s easy to see why they are so popular and well-loved.  Though they have a bit of a reputation as nuisance “fin-nippers”, these fish are not harmful and will do just fine in the right tank. Adult size up to 8cm, min tank size 75 litres for up to 5 fish.

The Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) is also known as the Sumatra Barb, as it is native to Sumatra and Borneo.  Their species name Tetrazona, refers to the 4-band pattern that distinguishes it from other Barbs with 5 or 6 bands.


These are active and mischievous fish that may try to jump out of their tank, so an aquarium hood is absolutely needed.

The Tiger Barb has a bit of a reputation for being aggressive and dominant. While it’s true that they are very pushy and like to bump and bite at their tank mates, their behavior is more annoying than harmful.  These fish are very competitive and will form small hierarchies where they will compete for dominance. They are showy, active fish that like to be out in the open. You can watch them chase, bump, and nip at one another in the middle levels of your tank.  They must be kept in a school of at least 5 individuals, though they prefer no less than 8 and no more than 12. When kept in a group too small, they are more likely to harass other tank mates.  If they are kept alone or with only one other individual, they will become stressed, timid and keep themselves hidden.

In their natural habitat on the Malay Peninsula, these fish are found in lakes, swamps and small streams. They are found at many different depths and bottom types, in high and low light. However, they tend to prefer shallow waters which are murky and acidic due to decaying plant material and algae.  Their ability to tolerate a wide range of parameters has allowed them to become invasive in subtropical waters.

The substrate should be fine gravel, with large rocks and cobbles which can be used for shelter. Tiger Barbs live at many depths and light levels, so a basic aquarium hood light will be fine for them.  A low-flow or undergravel filter can mimic the small currents that Barbs experience in their natural habitats.  Submerged freshwater plants and algae provide shelter, breeding ground and a supplemental food source. However, these fish like wide open space for swimming, so their tank should not be too densely planted.  Your plants should be placed at the sides and corners of the tank, leaving the center open for free swimming.

Tank Conditions

These are very active fish that need plenty of room to swim and play. Tiger Barbs need at least a 75 litre tank – this would be suitable for up to 5 of them. For each additional Tiger Barb added, make sure to add 12 litres. So 8 Tiger Barbs would need at least a 110 litre tank.


Five-banded Barbs and six-banded Barbs are known to have the same native habitat, so these Barbs make some of the best tank mates.  Other good Barbs for your tiger tank include Rosy Barbs, Cherry Barbs and Tinfoil Barbs.  Outside of other Barbs, they should be kept with similar-sized species that are fast-moving, with short fins that the Barbs cannot nip and bite at.  Clown Loaches are one of the most ideal companions for these fish. They can also be safely kept with Plecos, Tetras and small catfish such as Corydas and Pictus.  You can also keep them with Gouramis, but this is at a risk because of the gouramis’ longer fins.

It is not recommended to keep them with small invertebrates, as these pushy fish are likely to harass them. However, they pose no real risk to a snail or two.  Angelfish, Bettas and any other long-finned fish should be avoided as Barbs will demonstrate their reputation as fin-nippers. While this nipping cannot harm the fish, it may cause them stress.

Tiger Barbs are less likely to be aggressive with their tank mates if they are not the first ones in the tank. You should add them to a pre-established tank, rather than adding new fish to a Tiger Barb tank. If they are the first in the tank, the Barbs will see the new fish as intruders upon their territory.


Water fleas, larval and adult brine shrimp work well (larval brine shrimp is especially important for newly-hatched Barbs). In addition to live invertebrates, they should be given freeze-dried bloodworms and quick-sinking crushed-flake or pellet foods.  Tiger Barbs need a varied diet in order to stay healthy and show their beautiful colors more vividly – they should be given lots of greenery. Your Barbs will feed on the algae that grows alongside your plants, but you can also supplement their diets with cooked garden vegetables from the store. They love boiled lettuce, marrow (zucchini) and cucumber. These vegetables are packed full of nutrients that make for very healthy fish!


Like many aquarium fish, Tiger Barbs are susceptible to ich. Fish with Ich will have a sprinkling of white dots on their scales and fins.  It is caused by poor tank maintenance and poor water quality – the good news is that it is treatable. Affected fish should be quickly isolated.

See Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment at Rebel Pets for help with diagnosing and treating diseases.

Category Rating
Adult Size:  5 – 8 cm
Aquarist Experience Level: Intermediate
Minimum Tank Size: 75 litres for up to 5
Temperament: Aggressive, Dominant, fin-nippers
Tank Level: Middle
Diet: Omnivore, eats most foods
Aquarium Hardiness: Moderately Hardy
Lifespan: 5 – 7 Years
Water Flow: Low to Moderate
Temperature: 25 to 28°C can tolerate as low as 18°C 
pH: 6.0 – 8.0
Hardness:  5 – 19 dGH (soft)

Shipping Countries: South Africa

Shipping States: Gauteng (South Africa)

Specification: Albino Tiger Barb (Puntius tetrazona) – 4cm


Weight 0.2 kg

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