Black Moor Goldfish Large

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Black Moor Goldfish make peaceful additions that won’t cause any problems for the rest of your fish. They are easy to keep healthy if the tank is clean and they are fed a good diet, making them suitable for beginners.  Adult size:  15 – 20 cm, minimum tank size 75 litres.

Other common names for Moors are Telescopes (because of their large telescopic eyes) Demekin, or Dragon Eyes.  Ironically their eyesight is poor, even with such large eyes.


Fancy Goldfish need plenty of space. The minimum tank size is 75 litres, but the more space you provide, the more likely they are to stay healthy.  Avoid using glass bowls instead of standard aquariums. These are usually too small, especially when your fish reach maturity.  Aim to have 30 litres of water per fish because though they will group together sometimes, they also like swimming off on their own.

Tank Conditions

Goldfish are known to be messy feeders. Over time, therefore, the water can quickly become unhygienic, leading to potential health issues. It is important, therefore, to install a suitable filtration unit.

Add a layer of sand or gravel to the bottom of the tank. Black Moor Goldfish don’t spend much time here, so you can pick the type based of the needs of any other fish you plan to keep.

All goldfish require cold water. This means that you should keep your tank away from any heat sources and keep it in a cool room. If you place them in water that is too warm for them it can cause lifelong damage to their nerves.  Ideally the water temperature should be between 10 – 24°C.


The ideal temperature range for these fish is low compared to the preferences of other popular aquarium species. This reduces the amount of options available to you.  You’re further restricted by their long fins. Fin-nippers (like Tiger Barbs) will target the double fins. As slow swimmers, Moors can’t escape from fish that bother them.  Small shoaling fish are good companions. You could try Zebra Danios, Neon Tetras, Mollies, Rosy Barbs, or White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Angelfish and Dwarf Gourami are some possible larger options.   If you do want bottom feeders, try Corydoras Catfish, Kuhli Loaches, or Otocinclus.  You can add some small invertebrates without risk of them being eaten. Examples include Cherry Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Nerite Snails, or Mystery Snails.


In their natural environment moors will feed on plants, small insects, algae and anything else they can get hold of; however the majority of their diet is vegetation (this provides them with plenty of fiber). Generally you can start by feeding your Moor goldfish pellets or flakes.  Fancy Goldfish can easily develop digestive problems because their organs are so compact in their bodies, so it is important to design a healthy diet. This is simple because they are omnivorous and will eat most aquarium foods.  Try to supply some plant matter too, as this contains fiber which helps the digestive system. Green vegetables are good for this such as lettuce, spinach and marrow (zucchini).


They are reasonably hardy, but they can quite delicate and may need a little more attention than other species. Their telescope eyes are an obvious weakness. Since their eyes are so large, but their eyesight is so poor, they can easily swim into sharp objects that could cause injuries.

They have a tough round body, but fragile eyes which can be damaged when being caught in a net. So you should make sure to place them in a tank with smooth objects and handle them carefully.

With all their organs squashed up in their small body, this can increase the likelihood of disease.

Swim bladder is a common problem and symptoms of this are obvious – the fish will either be floating on the surface or sitting at the bottom of the tank, since they can’t control their buoyancy effectively. Avoid feeding for 24 hours, then start to introduce fibrous foods such as vegetables.

Skin diseases, such as velvet disease are common for fancy Goldfish and are caused by parasites or bacteria. Symptoms will vary depending on the disease, but spots or color changes are typical.

See Fish Diseases and Diagnoses for help with diagnosing and treating diseases.

Providing the tank is kept clean, problems should be infrequent. This includes weekly water changes to maintain clean water.

Category Rating
Adult Size: 15 – 20 cm
Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 75 litres
Temperament: Peaceful and Playful
Tank Level: Middle to Top
Diet: Omnivore, eats most foods
Aquarium Hardiness: Reasonably Hardy
Lifespan:  5-10 Years
Water Flow: Slow to Moderate
Temperature: 10 to 24°C
pH: 6.5 – 7.5
Hardness:  n/a

Shipping Countries: South Africa

Shipping States: Gauteng (South Africa)

Specification: Black Moor Goldfish Large

Weight 1 kg

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