Gourami – Blue (6cm)


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Blue Gourami (Trichogaster lalius) is a gourami variant was developed by breeders to create a beautiful fish, but other than its color, it is very much the same as the dwarf gourami.  Remember that blue, three spot, opaline, gold and lavender gouramis are all the same fish – they have just been bred for different colors!  Like most other gouramis, the blue have a labyrinth organ (which allows them to take oxygen from the air).  Dwarf gouramis are majestic looking freshwater fish native to the slow flowing rivers, ponds, rice fields and lakes of Southern Asia. However, now they can also be found in the USA, Singapore and Colombia.  Fish from this family are very popular due to their small size and ease of care.  They are a great choice for hobbyists with any amount of experience. Their size and resilience make them a wonderful choice for beginners. But they would also be a wonderful addition for experienced aquarists!


They are low maintenance fish that are very hardy.  These are schooling fish and prefer to stick together when possible. That way they feel more comfortable and secure. Most of the time they will be found in the middle or top level of the tank. Even in a group they will swim quite slowly and often hide around.

Tank Conditions

Dwarf Gouramis have adapted quite well to temperature swings. The water they are usually found in heats up and cools down equally as fast, which doesn’t leave much choice but to withstand that. We recommend using dark substrate as the fish will be visually more striking and feel more comfortable. You can use either well rounded large grains of sand or small dark gravel.  Although the rivers and ponds they are naturally found in are not sheltered, they don’t like lots of light. Consider just getting a slightly dimmed aquarium lamp and keeping it switched on for 8-10 hours.

Having a good aeration system is a plus but not crucial. The intensity of filtration will depend on the amount of plants and number of fish you have. They prefer slow water flow, so a medium powered filter will do the job.

As for the plants, free-floating or drifting plants are your best choice. Floating plants with fine leaves, such as hornwort, will help to replicate their natural environment. Gouramis use them to hide in and to build nests in.  Additionally you can place some ceramics or wood in your tank to give them additional hiding places.

You can easily keep two or three Gouramis in a 40 litre tank.  For each additional fish make sure to add 20 litres.  Dwarf Gouramis can be kept together providing you follow the ratio of at least a couple of females for every male.


Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful and tolerant neighbors. They prefer to be placed in a tank with non-aggressive and relatively small fish with similar water chemistry requirements.  Their ideal tank mates would be bottom or middle level of the tank as that will help to maintain territorial equilibrium and will also liven up your aquarium.  Such tank mates will not disturb them, during breeding and will not tamper with their nests if breeding takes place in the community tank. Consider bottom dwellers, such as plecos, or other Gouramis.

Ideal tank mates include Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Platies, Rasboras, Loaches, Tetras and Catfish such as the Otocinclus Catfish. You might also consider adding other inhabitants such as Apple Snails and Ghost or Cherry Shrimp.


Gouramis happily eat all sorts of foods, pretty much anything that will fit in their mouth. It’s important to use food that doesn’t sink quickly as most of their feeding takes place in the upper level of the tank.  Flake foods work well as they usually have a very balanced nutrient and vitamin content. Plant based foods will also be a great addition to their diet, and will help keep your fish healthy.


However hardy these fish may seem, they are still very sensitive to water quality. If you overlook the quality of their living environment, Dwarf Gouramis can easily get sick.

These species can get easily scared by loud noises and will often try to hide. Unfortunately, sometimes they will get into hard to reach places and get trapped. THe worst case scenario is they get stuck and eventually die, so keep an eye out for this.

It’s also important to know that they have an adaptation period. During that period it is especially important not to disturb fish. It’s completely normal for them to act strange or not be very active during that time.

The room temperature and water temperature in the tank shouldn’t significantly differ. In the case that there is a huge difference between the two, Gouramis can damage their labyrinth organ. If you find yourself in that situation, place a lid on your tank to trap warm air.

See Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment at Rebel Pets for help with diagnosing and treating diseases.

Category Rating
Adult Size:  9 – 12 cm
Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 40 litres
Temperament: Peaceful
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
Lifespan: Up to 5 Years
Water Flow: Slow
Temperature: 23 to 26°C
pH: 6.0 – 8.0
Hardness:  10-20 dGH 

Shipping Countries: South Africa

Shipping States: Gauteng (South Africa)

Specification: Gourami – Blue (6cm)


Weight 0.25 kg

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